Testing on windows and doors can be performed to help ensure that water intrusion at these locations is not an issue. These testing procedures are governed by various industry guidelines; The American Architectural Manufacturer’s Association (AAMA) standards generally govern the lab testing protocols. The ASTM International standards generally govern the field testing protocols. However, these standards often reference each other, so sometimes multiple standards need to be taken into consideration to perform certain tests.
The “North American Fenestration Standard/Specification for windows, doors, and skylights” (AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/1.S.2/A440-17) is a helpful document to gain a good global understanding of fenestration products and the various tests that can be performed on them. ASTM International E 2112-18, “Standard Practice for Installation of Exterior Windows, Doors and Skylights” is a document that should be used by the contractors who are installing these products in the field.
Tests that can be performed include air leakage resistance, water penetration resistance, a uniform load structural test, a uniform load deflection test, operating force, and forced-entry resistance. Initially, these tests are conducted in a laboratory setting prior to installation in the field. After the window or door product is installed, quality control testing can be performed before the building is operable. Once in service, testing can be done to evaluate the performance of the windows or doors, and also to forensically investigate water intrusion issues.
In order to properly conduct testing on the windows and doors of your next project, consult with professionals experienced with these tests. The team at Burby Engineering have both the necessary equipment and training to perform air leakage resistance, water penetration resistance, and uniform load structural/deflection tests on windows and doors. Contact us to learn more!